AI for the Boardroom

Transform your investment decisions on an end-to-end platform.

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AI for the Boardroom

A single platform to superpower your management decisions with AI from data to actions.

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Power next-generation decisions with the first app to optimize the entire decision-making process by combining human intuition with AI.

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Meet DeOS - the Decision Optimization System

Discover end-to-end use cases across the enterprise. A single platform to optimize the decision-making process end-to-end

Bring AI to the board room. Combine your business intuition with the power of out-of-the-box AI models. Build for business users - no technical skills required

Start a new era of decision-makin. Optimize all your top management decisions -the ultimate advantage in the era of uncertainty.


Unleashing the power of AI for your most critical decisions

Explore Solutions
why deos

DeOS - the Decision Optimization System is the world's first software that optimizes management decisions from data to actions by combining human intuition with AI

decision solutions

Accelerate your M&A decisions with DeOS

Market research
Custom market research of weeks done in seconds
Target scan
Find targets at the speed of thought
Due diligence
Combine expert intuition and the power of AI
Decision augmentation
Know how to outperform in M&A
Decision centric data management
Create a digital twin of your target
Know the value of your target by simulating and predicting the future


Efficient decision workflows - from data to actions

DeOS decision templates streamline your unique processes into a reusable, transparent system infused with industry best practices, so you can get started with a single click.

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Complete information with contextual data management

Combine internal business data with external sources and expert knowledge to construct a digital twin of your decision context.

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Automate complex analysis with no-code AI

Harness cutting-edge AI seamlessly integrated into business workflows to automate complex analyses like forecasting, simulation, valuation, and market analysis, providing unique real-time insights at the speed of thought.

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Navigate uncertainty with actionable recommendations

Augment your most critical boardroom decisions with actionable recommendations and a comprehensive 360° understanding for informed decision-making.

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decision insights

Know how to outperform

DeOS augmented analytics empower everyone with concrete answers on how to achieve their business goal.

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Why you should care

DeOS revolutionizes business by accelerating speed, enhancing productivity, mitigating risks, and fostering a competitive edge, unlocking millions in value with every decision.

Value calculator

One platform. Endless use cases.

DeOS decision templates empower business users to bring AI-powered insights to top management decisions— without having to switch between tools.

Explore solutions
Equity Investment
Buy Side Advisory
Infrastructure Investment
Enterprise Value Optimization
Investor Sourcing
Enterprise Valuation
Country Index Allocation
Partner Screening
Technology scouting
Market Entry
R&D Partnership
Exit Strategy Evaluation
Business Portfolio Optimization
Credit Risk Monitoring
Supplier Sourcing
Enterprise Capital Allocation
OEM Partnership
Private Equity Portfolio Allocation
Option Pricing
Initiative Portfolio Performance Monitoring
Make-or-buy - purchasing
LBO Financing
CapEx Initiative Priorization
Bid Strategy Optimization
ETF Allocation
OEM (Customer) Screening
Corporate Venture Capital Investment
Initiative Portfolio Risk Monitoring
Carve out
Financial Planning
Debt Restructuring
Private Equity Portfolio Monitoring
Sell-side advisory
Component Sourcing Strategy
Buyer Screening
Business Unit Risk Monitoring
Hedge Fund Portfolio Monitoring
Sell-side Avisory Opportunity
Business Unit Performance Monitoring
Project Financing Structuring
R&D Portfolio Risk Monitoring
R&D Portfolio Optimization
Stock Investment
Earnings Optimization
R&D Investment
Cloud strategy
Market Index Allocation
Transformation Initiative Priorization
Strategic Alliance
Platform Ecosystem
Market Risk Monitoring
Capital Structure Optimization
Acquisition Target Screening
Asset Portfolio Risk Monitoring
R&D Portfolio Performance Monitoring
Earnings Allocation
Asset Sale
Venture Capital Investment
Working Capital Optimization
Secondary Buyout (SBO)
Stock Selection
IPO Structure Optimization
Investment Target Screening
Joint Venture
CapEx Investment
Price Target
Asset Acquisition
R&D Initiative Priorization
Asset Valuation
Transformation Portfolio Risk Monitoring
Hedge Fund Portfolio Allocation
Fairness Opinion
Business Case Valuation
Market Index Monitoring
Portfolio Risk monitoring
Spin Off